Concerns rise over proposed Chillicothe VA Medical Center closure

Concerns rise over proposed Chillicothe VA Medical Center closure

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CHILLICOTHE, Ohio — In March, a 73-page report by the Department of Veterans Affairs recommended closing the Chillicothe VAMC because it is “not optimally located.” 

What You Need To Know

  • Congress and President Joe Biden expect a final decision by next March
  • Both Ohio senators advocated for keeping the center open
  • Overall, the report calls for 20 VA closures across the country and cuts to another 37 locations

The Chillicothe VAMC currently has 1,400 employees and serves an estimated 20,000 veterans each year.

“Chillicothe VA serves 11 counties without CBOC help. You’re going to take 20,000 veterans, 1,400 staff facility and shrink it down to 25 people? That’s squeezing five gallons of water into a one-gallon bucket. It’s not going to work,” said Air Force Veteran Jeremy Parkins.

Parkins, who is the founder of the nonprofit Dress, Right, Dress and served in active duty from 1997 to 2005, said in his experience, new rules and policies put in place by the U.S. government, have made it more difficult for his fellow veterans to get the proper services they need in a timely manner. 

“You can look at the proof when we look at Agent Orange for Vietnam Veterans, and then we talk about burn pits, Gulf War Syndrome for my era. It’s been going on for decades,” said Parkins. 

Overall, the report calls for 20 VA closures across the country and cuts to another 37 locations.

“We are fighting an uphill battle. There is now a resolution on the state floor saying that the state of Ohio does not support these recommendations. We’ve asked for a socioeconomic impact study to be done, not only the effect of the veterans, but to the employees, their families (and) the economy,” said Parkins.  

The report also calls for moving inpatient mental health, residential rehabilitation treatment program and community living center, along with outpatient services, to a current or future VA facility. 

“There is no mental health care truly available in southeastern Ohio or West Virginia. It looks like a dessert. It’s an absolute mental health dessert,” said veterans advocate Jessica Fee. 

Fee is president of the American Federation of Government Employees Local 1631, representing 1,500 veterans in Chillicothe. 

Both Fee and Parkins said although the Department of Veterans Affairs report is just a recommendation, they will continue outreach to Ohio lawmakers and fight for the rights of rural veterans. 

“Access to care is already hard. A lot of these veterans already drive a large distance just to get to the closest VA Medical Center. Why they would take anything away is astonishing,” said Fee. 

A spokesperson from the Chillicothe VA Medical Center has not responded to inquiries from Spectrum News 1 for comment.

Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown and Sen. Rob Portman have voiced support to keep the Medical Center open. 

Congress and President Joe Biden expect a final decision by next March.



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