Discovery shop helps fund breast cancer research

Discovery shop helps fund breast cancer research

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CINCINNATI — Researchers are hard at work looking for new and improved ways to prevent, detect and treat breast cancer.

At the American Cancer Society Discovery Shop, guests will find a variety of different things from clothing to furniture and other merchandise. Each purchase goes toward funding cancer research.

What You Need To Know

  • The American Cancer Society Discovery Shop is an upscale resale shop
  • The proceeds from the shop go toward cancer research
  • The research is helping breast cancer survivors like Debi Stevens
  • Stevens was diagnosed with cancer in 2007 and was diagnosed again in 2019

For more than a decade, Debi Stevens has been shopping at the Discovery Shop in Cincinnati. She loves the selection but more importantly, she loves supporting the cause. 

“Anything that will donate to something that’s near and dear to my heart I truly appreciate that,” said Stevens. 

That’s because she knows the importance of breast cancer research. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. When she first found out, she was surprised. 

“I was getting my bathing suit on and I noticed there was an indentation right here and I didn’t know what it was,” she said. “I didn’t know that that was something you should look for.”

After chemo and a mastectomy, Stevens was officially cancer free. But in 2019, the cancer returned, and she had her second breast removed.

“That eased my mind because now I know that the possibility of getting it again is slimmer,” she said. 

Stevens said she’s grateful to have survived breast cancer twice, and even more grateful to the American Cancer Society for the funding to help women like herself.

“That’s why I love places like this because of the monies that are made from people shopping here and are donated to research, they find these things out,” she said. 

Since 1946, the American Cancer Society has invested more than $5 billion toward cancer research. This is all thanks to donations, including initiatives like the Discovery Shop, and this gives Stevens the reassurance she needs to fight against cancer if it ever returns.

“All the things that they’ve come up with since I had the cancer in 2007, it just gives you confidence that should something happen again, we’ll just go through the same process, but with maybe better stuff,” she said. 

For more information on how you can donate, click here.

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