Exploring Ohio: Ohio Caverns

Exploring Ohio: Ohio Caverns

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CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, Ohio — There are about 150 known caverns in Ohio but one of the most notable is celebrating 125 years since its discovery. 

“The cavern was discovered Aug. 17 of 1897,” said JD Harshfield. The Ohio Caverns is a three-mile-long system in West Liberty, Ohio that reaches up to 103 feet deep. 

“A 17-year-old farmhand had noticed a sinkhole developing over time so he grabbed a shovel, dug down a few feet, and struck limestone rock. There was a crack in it so he widened that crack, lowered himself through, and just like that, became the first living thing ever in the cavern,” said Harshfield.

The cave was formed after glaciers came through the area. As they melted away, the runoff started forming passageways under the ground. The formations within the cave, stalactites and stalagmites, are made from the mineral calcite. 

“At our current growth rate, it takes these formations about 500 years to grow one inch. So a very, very long time.”

The Crystal King is the pride and joy. It’s 4 feet, 10 inches long, and weighs 400 pounds. Harshfield said, “We estimate it at our current growth rate to be about 200,000 years old. It is the largest stalactite in the state of Ohio but it’s more known for its pure white color and perfect shape.”​

Crystal King.

Cavern exploring is also a year-round activity. Regardless of how hot or cold the temperatures are outdoors, the cave is always 54 degrees Fahrenheit. 

“Yeah it’s 54 degrees every day. It never changes. It’s very, very wonderful to do in the summer when it’s really hot, and in the winter, it’s even better because you come in from very cold temperatures.“

There’s a solar field located on the 35-acre property directly about the cave. It was installed in 2017.  

Harshfield said, “It is phenomenal for us because it produces just over 100% of the energy we use here annually, here on site. So by that description, we are considered a net-zero facility. We produce everything we need and then some.”

Ohio Caverns has tours daily, every day of the year except Thanksgiving and Christmas. Tours depart every 20 to 30 minutes and there are different tours depending on the time of year. For ticket information, you can visit OhioCaverns.com.

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