Former consultant testifies on paying bills, home repairs for Householder

Former consultant testifies on paying bills, home repairs for Householder

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CINCINNATI — Jeffrey Longstreth, a Republican strategist and consultant who helped former Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder regain his position as Ohio House Speaker testified against him Wednesday at Householder’s federal corruption trial.

What You Need To Know

  • Jeffrey Longstreth is a Republican strategist and consultant who helped former Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder regain his position as Ohio House Speaker
  • Longstreth testified against Householder at Householder’s federal corruption trial
  • Longstreth told jurors he was hired to help Householder win re-election as Ohio House Speaker and to pass HB6
  • He said Householder soon told him of some legal troubles, and asked Longstreth to pay legal fees, credit cards bills, and for repairs to a home he owned in Florida

Longstreth claimed he paid for thousands of dollars for repairs on a Florida residence that belonged to Householder and didn’t get so much as a “thank you.”

Longstreth was arrested along with Householder, former Ohio GOP chairman Matt Borges and two other individuals in 2020, accused of operating a pay-to-play scheme that traded money and power for the passage of House Bill 6, a billion-dollar bailout of then-FirstEnergy Solutions’ failing nuclear power plants in Ohio.

Longstreth pleaded guilty to racketeering conspiracy and agreed to testify at the trial.

He admitted to prosecutors that he was the signatory for Generation Now, a 501c4, which the IRS recognizes as a nonprofit organization. The groups are allowed unlimited political lobbying and can fund or endorse for or against a campaign, as long as that is not its primary activity and promotes social welfare. However, they’re also known as dark money groups, and prosecutors allege Generation Now was a cover for bribery transactions.

Longstreth told jurors he was hired to help Householder win re-election as Ohio House Speaker and to pass HB6. However, he said Householder soon told him of some legal troubles, and asked Longstreth to pay legal fees, credit cards bills, and for repairs to a home he owned in Florida.

As Householder was the only client his firm JPL & Associates was representing at the time, Longstreth said he felt he didn’t have any other choice but to take care of Householder’s debts.

Longstreth said he used money that was funneled through Generation Now that came from FirstEnergy, which stood to benefit from HB6. He then said Householder delayed or avoided discussions about reimbursing him, and later asked if he “was whole,” suggesting Longstreth made enough from other initiatives for the speaker that Householder didn’t owe him anything.

Longstreth will return Thursday to answer questions from the defense teams representing Householder and Borges. Both men have pleaded not guilty.

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