Gun used in Central VPA school shooting removed from suspects home during “domestic disturbance”

Gun used in Central VPA school shooting removed from suspects home during “domestic disturbance”

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ST. LOUIS – The firearm used in Monday’s deadly school shooting in south St. Louis was removed from from the suspect’s home 9 days earlier., according to police. Wednesday morning, St. Louis Metropolitan Police revealed the mother of the suspected gunman, Orland Harris, called police and wanted the gun removed form the home.

Later Wednesday, police released more information explaining the suspect’s mother called police on Oct. 15 and officers responded to a “domestic distrubance.” Officers determined at that time that Harris was lawfully permitted to possess the firearm, but the mother still wanted it removed from the home. A family acquaintance was contacted and took possession of the firearm so it was no longer in the home. 

It’s still not clear how Harris regained possession of the firearm, but police confirm it was the same gun used in Monday’s school shooting. 

Police say Harris’ family is “heartbroken over the incident” and it appears they were doing everything they could to get Orlando Harris the help he needed.

“I have to give credit to the family, they made every effort they felt they reasonably could and I think that is why the mother is so heartbroken over the families that paid for his episode,” said interim St. Louis Metropolitan Police Chief Michael Sack during a Wednesday morning briefing.

Police are still working to determine how the suspect got the more than 600 rounds of ammunition used to kill a 61-year-old teacher, a 15-year-old student, and injure several others.

Sack went on to say the family “kind of had a system where they would track what might come in the mail, his interactions with others so he was engaging people, so he felt loved.”

Harris’ mother and sister would even search his room and even had him committed at one point, according to police. 

However, Sack mentioned the family didn’t have access to Harris’ notebook and he could have possibly hidden some of his thoughts from his loved ones.

A portion from the note states, “I don’t have any friends. I don’t have any family. I’ve never had a girlfriend. I’ve never had a social life. I’ve been an isolated loner my entire life. This was the perfect storm for a mass shooting.” Sack said part of the note even mentioned “they can’t tell that I am doing this and getting ready.”

He also said the note is providing investigators insight into Harris’ mindset and that the school was always the target, “there was a disconnect between him and what he felt was the school community. He felt isolated and alone.”

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