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Health officials say back to school immunizations are essential

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OHIO — When the COVID vaccine became available in late 2020, vaccine mandates became political. With back to school season in full swing, some have pushed back on required vaccines for school.

Although, health officials such as Kevin Brennan with the Cuyahoga County Board of health said that they are essential.

What You Need To Know

  • Ohio requires vaccines for kids going back to school 
  • Some people do not think the state should decide what vaccines kids are mandated to get
  • Health officials believe these vaccines are necessary to keep school communities safe

“The true protection lies in everybody having the assurance that we’re all vaccinated, that is the ultimate goal for us in public health,” he said.

These requirements have been in place for years, but since the COVID vaccine came out, vaccine mandates have been in the spotlight. Although COVID vaccines have not been required by the state, Brennan said that all vaccines are important to keeping schools safe.

“Among the unvaccinated kids they could be passing it back and forth and they could also if there are adults in the environment, right in the school environment, they could be susceptible,” he said.

Brennan explained that keeping your child on track with the vaccination schedule is critical to their health.

“Vaccinations that they can take advantage of when they’re young are extremely important to keep them healthy,” he said.

The Ohio Health Department requires that students in kindergarten are up to date on their DTap, polio, MMR, hepatitis B and chickenpox vaccines. Then, beginning in seventh grade, there are new requirements for TDap and MCV4.

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