Heres what you need to know about Ohios snow emergency levels

Heres what you need to know about Ohios snow emergency levels

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OHIO — A winter storm will hit the state starting late Thursday night. First, it’ll start with rain, but then a steep drop in temperatures will make it all freeze overnight.

Then, the snow will hit. 

Throughout the state, counties will start posting what snow emergency level they are at — either Level 1, 2 or 3. 

Here’s what each level means, according to the Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness:

Level 1

Roadways are hazardous with blowing and drifting snow, and roads could be icy. Drivers are encouraged to drive cautiously. 

Level 2

Roadways are hazardous with blowing and drifting snow, and they could be covered in ice. Drivers should try to stay off of roads, unless they feel as though it is absolutely necessary to drive. Officials encourage drivers to contact their employers to see if they should come into work. 

Level 3

Roadways are closed to non-emergency personnel. This means nobody should be driving in the current conditions, unless there is an emergency. Drivers should contact their employers to see if they should report to work. Those who decide to travel in a Level 3 county are putting themselves at risk of being arrested.

The Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness also gave these tips when driving in severe winter weather:

  • Watch your speed and distance. It’ll take longer to stop the faster you are going, so in “ice and snow, take it slow.”
  • Be aware of limited visibility. Slow down and see what’s going on around you.
  • Easy with the brakes. Don’t slam on the brakes — brake early and slowly. For those who have anti-lock brakes, press the pedal down and hold it. If you don’t have them, pump the pedal. Give yourself room to come to a safe stop.
  • Avoid cruise control and abrupt maneuvers. If you’re merging, go slow, as sudden movements can cause your car to slide. 
  • Limit distractions and keep your eyes on the road. Keep track of what’s going on well ahead of you.


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