How Parma City Schools’ new school resource officer is making a difference in students lives

How Parma City Schools’ new school resource officer is making a difference in students lives

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PARMA, Ohio — For Bob Curtin, students writing him thoughtful cards for his birthday warmed his heart.

What You Need To Know

  • Bob Curtin has worked as a police officer for over 20 years
  • He recently took on a new role as Parma City Schools’ school resource officer
  • He said his position focuses on creating and maintaining a safe and orderly learning environment for students, teachers and staff
  • Curtin said he started his new role in January and looks forward to the future

He said this friendly gesture reminded him of why he loves his job. 

“Children are just like adults, however, they do have different needs. One, they need to be loved. Two, they have a need to be listened to and three, they have a need to know they are safe in their school. It’s their job to go to school and they need to be comfortable and know they are in a safe environment,” he said. 

Curtin has worked as a police officer for over 20 years. He recently took on the new role. 

“Initially, after COVID, we were having an issue filling a part-time job to have a police officer be here,” he said. “The police officer that was here and that are at the high school are security officers, not resource officers. So, they respond if they need them, if there’s a criminal act.” He is Parma City Schools’ new school resource officer. Parma City Council approved the appointment. 

He said his position focuses on creating and maintaining a safe and orderly learning environment for students, teachers and staff. 

“I noticed that there’s a big thing with these children now and it’s if they get aggravated with one of their peers or at one of their teachers, it affects their entire day and I’m trying to teach them that we can move on from things. It doesn’t need to effect their entire day,” he said. 

Curtin splits his day working at Greenbriar Middle School and Shiloh Middle School. 

He said he patrols the halls and makes a difference in students’ lives. 

“These kids are definitely worth someone’s time, someone’s patience and someone’s love and it’s a lot of hours and it’s a lot of work, but I’m into it so that these kids know that police officers are mommies and daddies, brothers and sisters, we’re human beings just like them,” he said. 

Curtin said he started his new role in January and looks forward to the future. 

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