Identical Ohio twins share same career path as attorneys

Identical Ohio twins share same career path as attorneys

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CRAWFORD COUNTY, Ohio — You’ve heard the saying before: ‘Two is better than one’, but one twin duo in Ohio has taken the meaning to a whole new level. 

What You Need To Know

  • Mackenzie and Madison Garverick are identical twins
  • The sister duo didn’t intend on becoming attorneys, but both chose the same career path on their own
  • The Garverick sisters hope to focus their legal practice on state planning, eventually

Mackenzie and Madison Garverick are identical twins, born 14 minutes apart. 

Beyond sharing the same DNA, they have something else identical between them: their careers. 

“It kinda happened this way,” said Madison. 

Both Mackenzie and Madison are attorneys at the same law firm: Kennedy, Purdy, Hoeffel & Gernert.

“We’ve been working together since 17,” Mackenzie said. “It’s all we’ve ever known.” 

But when people first hear that, Mackenzie said it goes one or two ways.

“Either that or they’re excited…,” Mackenzie said. “‘Oh my god, that’s so cool. I wish I could do that,’ or ‘That’s a little bit weird. Are you guys stuck together?’”

But neither one had originally planned on taking this path — much less working side-by-side.

Their mom, Tami Garverick,​ was an attorney herself. That helped them get in the door in high school: answering phones, then drafting documents. It was a temporary job at the time, as the Garverick twins were pursuing other things. 

Mackenzie and Madison were on the paths of being a psychiatrist and pediatrician, respectively. 

Then the time came to do their senior projects, Mackenzie and Madison each decided on the same topic: Becoming a lawyer. The kicker is the twins chose that on their own. Now they’re handling cases at the same law firm.

Sharing the same career path certainly validates their ‘twin telepathy’, but so do their wedding dates.

“We’re getting married on the same day,” said Madison.  

Both marrying their high school sweethearts in April this year, and as Mackenzie and Madison continue on their work as attorneys, there is one thing they can always count on: one another. 

“I always joke with my fiancé that he comes second because I have a first in line my whole life,” said Madison. “I always just know there is somebody to back me up.” 

The Garverick twins plan on continuing their legal practice, but eventually want to specialize their focus on state planning. 

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