Lumber costs rising, affecting market during construction season

Lumber costs rising, affecting market during construction season

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CLEVELAND — Don Bowing, the division manager at Mentor Lumber, said pieces of lumber like two-by-sixes are some of the most commonly used types of lumber for walls of newly built homes. 

Bowling said the price per piece for these boards have nearly tripled since before the pandemic. Bowling said it’s because more people are building than ever, with limited resources. 

What You Need To Know

  • Lumber costs are rising 
  • This is happening during the peak of construction season
  • The price changes can cause companies to lose money on a sale 

“It’s like an auction. Who’s gonna be the highest bidder ’cause you need it the most,” Bowling said. 

Bowing said the price for sheets of wood commonly used on floors have fluctuated but remains high. 

“Pre-COVID, it used to be $7.50, $8 a sheet. At its height, it went to $60 a sheet. Now it’s $30 a sheet,” Bowling said. 

He said those costs are passed on to whomever is paying for the house or remodel.

“You could be adding anywhere from $4,000 to $10,000 to the cost of a house,” Bowling said. 

Bowling said the market remains volatile, meaning if they buy lumber at one price, they could lose money when selling a home if the price drops. 

“If you bought high and then the market falls, you’re selling at a loss. You’re just hoping at the end of the year, you’re selling at a loss. Just hoping at the end of the year, you bought more at the bottom and sold it on its way up,” Bowling said. 

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