Meals on Wheels makes double delivery day ahead of storm

Meals on Wheels makes double delivery day ahead of storm

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CINCINNATI — As winter weather approaches, organizations like Meals on Wheels are making sure their clients get their meals before the roads turn treacherous. 

What You Need To Know

  • Meals on Wheels made a double delivery day on Wednesday ahead of the winter storm
  • Nearly 8,000 meals were delivered
  • In order to do so, extra volunteers were called on to help
  • 40 extra volunteers came out to help

Jan is a volunteer with Meals on Wheels and typically helps out once a week. She helps pack meals.

“Today is not a normal day,” Jennison said. “But when we got an email, absolutely, okay, I can make it work today.”

Jennison is one of 40 volunteers that answered the call to action ahead of the winter storm.

“I know what the inclement weather does to people,” she said. “I know how scared people get when they hear bad weather is coming. You don’t need to give any stress to anybody. Everybody needs to do their share, help out. It’s a really good feeling to know that in a couple of hours, I’ve done something that is really helpful to other people.”

Meals on Wheels decided Tuesday night that they would do a double delivery day on Wednesday ahead of the winter storm. But in order to deliver the nearly 8,000 meals, they needed some extra hands on deck. Ja’Lah Willingham, the volunteer engagement manager, made sure that those volunteers came in the door.

“Answering the call of action is huge for our agency,” Willingham said. “With the volume of seniors that we serve and the footprint we have in the Greater Cincinnati area, it has been quite evident over the past few years that we could not do this work without the support of volunteers.”

For Jennison, she knows the simple act of packing up some snack boxes is a difference-maker for the seniors they serve.

“The weather is bad and you’re not able to get out and about and your family can’t get to you. It’s nice to know that you can go in your cupboard and that you have things to eat,” Jennison said. “You don’t have to worry about that.”

And while it’s some extra time on her designated day off, she’s glad to make sure everyone they serve has a meal ready for them.

“You know that you’re doing something that is really worthwhile,” Jennison said. “And it’s going to help other people.”

If you’re interested in becoming a Meals on Wheels volunteer, visit and to help in times of inclement weather and other situations, designate that you are open to be contacted in disaster relief.

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