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Mental Health on Monmouth shines a light on mental health through resource fair

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NEWPORT, Ky. — Those with the PIER Recovery Community Center on Saturday wanted to shine a light on mental health in light of it being Mental Health Awareness Month.

What You Need To Know

  • May is Mental Health Awareness Month
  • The PIER Recovery Community Center helped put on “Mental Health on Monmouth”
  • Officials said they want people to know they aren’t alone and there is help
  • They hope stuff like this shines a light on mental health and helps in ending the stigma

“I think everybody has their mental health struggles and I think that when you’ve reached a point in yourself when you can help others, you will do anything you can to do that,” Cassidy Mangan, marketing director with HOPE Behavioral Health, said.

Mangan was operating one of the booths at the Mental Health on Monmouth event on Saturday.

“We often hear that your health is your wealth and today we’re focusing on our mental health,” peer-to-peer mentor at PIER Christina Weinel said.

She mentioned a lot of resources surrounding mental health, along with HOPE, could be found for those at the event.

Handing out some sweet treats was Special Neat Treats. Owner Joel Wegener said this brings attention to something that impacts a lot of people.

“It just is so obvious in our culture right now that that’s something that has been neglected for so many years and really needs some emphasis.”

Weinel said the goal is for people to walk away knowing they aren’t alone and there is help. Mangan said this type of event is a step in the right direction, but she knows more work can be done.

“Creating mental health therapy that is free or for those who have Kentucky Medicaid or those in need of help and support and also supporting the therapists that give help and support to those in need,” Mangan said.

All of this to help, as Weinel said, “end the stigma.”

More information on the PIER Recovery Community Center can be found here.

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