Most Ohioans oppose overturn of Roe v. Wade and ‘heartbeat bill,’ Spectrum News/Siena College Poll shows

Most Ohioans oppose overturn of Roe v. Wade and ‘heartbeat bill,’ Spectrum News/Siena College Poll shows

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OHIO — Ohioans oppose the overturn of Roe v. Wade as well as a six-week abortion ban, our exclusive Spectrum News/Siena College Research Institute Poll finds. The so-called “heartbeat bill” makes it illegal to have an abortion after a fetus’ heartbeat can be detected, usually at five or six weeks into a pregnancy.

In Ohio, a heartbeat bill went into effect soon after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June. Both measures were temporarily stayed by a Hamilton County judge until Oct. 12, enabling pregnancy terminations through 20 weeks’ gestation to continue while a lawsuit brought by ACLU of Ohio plays out.

What You Need To Know

  • The majority of Ohioans oppose the overturn of Roe V. Wade and the “heartbeat bill”
  • A Spectrum News/Siena College Research Institute Poll asked Ohioans to share their views on issues
  • Among women who oppose the Supreme Court decision, 88% are Democrats and 31% are Republicans
  • Of women who support the heartbeat bill, 52% are Republican women and 7% are Democrats

With 642 respondents, the poll comprised male and female Ohioans likely to vote. Conducted in mid-September, the poll asked respondents to weigh in on high-profile issues like abortion, gun control and redistricting, as well as on candidates expected to be on ballots in November.  

In the poll, the majority of Ohioans, 60%, indicated they oppose the overturn of Roe v. Wade and 55% oppose the “heartbeat bill.”

On the overturn of Roe v. Wade, 48% of respondents were in strong opposition while 12% are somewhat opposed. Breaking that down, 88% of Democrats strongly or somewhat strongly oppose the move, as do 64% of Independents and 31% of Republicans.

Fifty percent of men oppose the Supreme Court decision. Among women, 69% oppose the move, which breaks down to 88% of Democrats and 31% of Republicans.

In support of the Supreme Court decision to overturn the law were 32% of Ohioans. Of those in favor, 60% are Republicans, 25% Independents and 7% of Democrats.

Men support the Supreme Court decision at 39%. Of the 25% of women in support of the move 7% are Democrats and 66% Republicans.

At 74%, a solid majority of Black Ohioans, and 57% of white respondents said they oppose it, while 14% of Black voters and 34% of white voters support the decision.

Ohioans indicating the strongest opposition were also the youngest respondents, with 68% ages 18 to 34, and 69% ages 35 to 49.

The strongest opposition came from northeast Ohio with 64% of respondents, while the greatest support is in northwest and western Ohio at 32%.

Nine percent of respondents did not weigh in.

As for the “heartbeat bill,” 40% of Ohioans support making abortion illegal after a heartbeat is detected. Seventy percent of those are Republican, while 36% are Independent and 9% are Democrats.

Of those in favor, 49% are men and 31% are women. Further breaking it down, 52% of Republican women support the bill and 7% of women who are Democrats.

Opposing the measure are 87% of Democrats, 58% of Independents and 28% of Republican.  

Among those who oppose the bill, 47% are men and 65% are women. Breaking down the numbers of women who oppose it, 89% are Democrats and 41% are Republican.

As with the overturn of Roe v. Wade, the youngest Ohioans were the most opposed, with 65% of those 18 to 34 and 60% of those 35 to 49.

Thirteen percent of Black Ohioans and 44% of white Ohioans support the abortion ban. Indicating they are against the ban were 75% of Black voters and 52% of white voters

At 59%, the strongest opposition is in northeast Ohioans, while 49% of those in the east and southeast oppose the abortion ban at six weeks.

Five percent of those polled did not weigh in. The margin of error for the poll is tabulated at +/- 4.4 percentage points. 

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