Nationwide uses lessons learned from pandemic to change how its employees can work

Nationwide uses lessons learned from pandemic to change how its employees can work

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COLUMBUS, Ohio — Nationwide is changing the world of work with their new in-office upgrades. 

What You Need To Know

  • 50% of millennials’ top priority is flexibility 
  • Nationwide started their initiative to redesign the workspace in 2018 
  • Before the pandemic, only 19% of Nationwide associates worked from home 
  • 50% of Nationwide employees work from home 

Like many millennials, one of Christian Cisneros’ top priorities in a job is flexibility, making Nationwide the perfect fit.

“I did the internship for three months prior to graduation. I was like this is great, and I’ve been in Columbus ever since,” said Cisneros. 

In 2021, Bankrate, a personal finance resource, reported 60% of millennials value flexible work arrangements. Nationwide recognized the trend and began reimagining the workplace in 2018. Once the pandemic hit, the plan escalated.

“It wasn’t as dramatic of a shift as people think it was, and that’s because, in social media, I’m in a role where you can do it wherever and whenever, and so I’ve been working in a hybrid environment since 2018,” said Cisneros. 

The redesigned workspaces now cater to those who are fully remote or hybrid, like Cisneros. Pre-pandemic, only 19% of Nationwide associates were working from home, and that number has almost tripled since 2019. 

Now catering to work from home and hybrid employees, Nationwide has spaces where people can come in to work by themselves in a pod or in a group in one of the collaborative spaces.

“Now that we’re in this new future of workspace, it’s really open, I get to sit right across from my leader. We’re talking about all of our assignments real-time, bouncing ideas off of one another — it works out great,” said Cisneros, who works in the office about twice a week, but can work full-on remote at any time.

He said the flexibility of work has made it easier to make time for the important things in life.

“Because of Nationwide, I’ve had the opportunity to spend time with them for Thanksgiving and Christmas because I’m in Houston for a month even though we’re headquartered in Columbus, Ohio,” said Cisneros.

Nationwide also offers a full-service cafeteria, gym and technology bar to all of their associates. They said that their new model has allowed them to hire talent from all over the country. 

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