Networking organization honors Clevelands movers and shakers

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CLEVELAND — A young professional networking organization is looking to showcase the brightest young adults in northeast Ohio.

What You Need To Know

  • The Cleveland Professional 20/30 Club is now taking applications for its annual Movers and Shakers Awards
  • The awards recognize young adults in the region with a record of excellence in work, civic engagement and philanthropy
  • Anna Tzinis was a recipient in 2021

Anna Tzinis’ home office in the basement of her Bay Village home is filled with reminders of early accomplishments in her young career and reminders of her roots in her home country of Greece. 

“It taught me so much about understanding perspective, understanding different types of people and cultures, and really giving grace to different types of opinions, so it’s helped me become a lot more open-minded,” said Tzinis. 

Tzinis moved here to the United States as a child and is now the youngest executive director in the history of the National Kidney Foundation serving northern Ohio. 

Tzinis has two young children. She said she balances her position with the National Kidney Foundation with the responsibilities of being a mother.

“It’s a hard balance, but you know what? When you put family first, it makes all the difference. I had to learn real quick that I had to work some late hours to make sure that some deadlines were met, but if my kids need me during the day, it comes first,” said Tzinis.  

Her hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed, as she was named one of the Cleveland Professional 20/30 Club’s Top 25 Under 35 for 2021. The recognition is an honor shared by the likes of Mayor Justin Bibb of Cleveland, and Spectrum News’ Karlynn Wells. Tzinis is proud to be a part of the group of young difference makers.

“I felt humbled to be part of this group of leaders and honestly, I’ve connected with so many of them,” said Tzinis. “I’ve become better just learning their stories, understanding their perspectives, their careers, their objectives. And so for me, it just makes me a better civic leader, quite honestly.”  

Polly Mytinger moved to Cleveland from Kansas City and is now the president-elect of the club she said has made her feel welcomed. 

“When I first moved to Cleveland, I really didn’t know anyone but myself, so I had to completely reinvent my social network, my professional network and just understand the city I live in,” said Mytinger.  

Every year, the club highlights young adults in the region with a record of excellence in work, civic engagement and philanthropy through the Movers and Shakers Awards. Mytinger has high hopes for this year’s class.

“All the different ways that young professionals have responded to the last two years, I’m also hoping that you’re going to see a wide variety of stories represented that help impact what Cleveland is and what the future holds for these young professionals,” said Mytinger.  

Tzinis said she wants to continue to be a mover and shaker through her work at the National Kidney Foundation as she continues to lobby to lawmakers, work on grants and make northeast Ohio healthier. 

“I’m a people-person. I want to help heal and I want to find those inadequacies that we have in our healthcare system, and I want to be part of the solution,” said Tzinis.  

For applications, click here. To be eligible you must be between the ages of 21 and 35 and live and work in northeast Ohio. ​


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