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New magazine helps women step into their power

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COLUMBUS, Ohio — Pamela Stone, an entrepreneur in Columbus, knows the power of vision boards and accountability. She does a vision board monthly where she arranges a collection of images and words in a way to help her manifest her goals and visions. 

What You Need To Know

  • Our world is filled with media, from TV and podcasts to social platforms and print
  • Historically, a lot of it is negative, with negative headlines catching more attention
  • A woman from Central Ohio is working to help change this
  • She’s stepping into the media space to uplift and inspire women to follow their dreams  

During the pandemic, her vision board was full of media and women empowerment inspiration, but being mid-career, she was scared to go after her new life vision. 

A push from Letitia Wright, her longtime friend, business consultant, crowdfunding expert and doctor of chiropractic, motivated her to switch careers and follow her dreams, despite her fears. 

“She loves the people at her job but they cannot give her the level of fulfillment that she’s getting when she’s helping other women,” Wright said. “And so I wanted to see her get to that. Accountability is everything. Because we all get inspired, and we all get tired, we get both of those. And so you can’t just go on inspiration, you have to have systems and you have to have consistency.”

Stone launched Vision Made Media in 2019, an outlet for a podcast, TV show and magazine called Vision Made Magazine.  

Pamela Stone, CEO and founder of Vision Made Media. (Spectrum News 1/Taylor Bruck)

“What I see is a lot of women that are complacent and they’re being okay with the okay, but they’re not really okay,” Stone said. “But they don’t know how to get past the ‘what’s next.’ They’re like, I want to go off to the next job but I don’t even know how, where do I start at?”

More than 100 contributing writers from around the world help women of all ages, but specifically middle-aged women, go after their dreams. Writers like Kendra Henderson bring diverse perspectives of successes and failures that give readers motivation to create attainable goals. 

“Success for everyone is different,” said Kendra Henderson, a contributing writer for Vision Made Magazine. “For one person that might be, you know, starting a business. For someone else, it might be losing weight. And so my goal is to show them how to take their life and turn that into the masterpiece that they’re called to be.”

Pamela Stone, CEO and founder of Vision Made Media with friends at a vision board party in Columbus. (Spectrum News 1/Taylor Bruck)

Each issue includes topics like healthy living, mental health and professional development to help women become the best version of themselves. 

“Vision made as a whole and Vision Made Magazine, it’s all about building blocks,” Stone said. “I’m all about being small because let me tell you this, if I can see myself doing the small thing, the big thing that’s coming down the pike is inevitable.”

Her goal is to provide support for women and give them tools to go after their “what’s next.”

“It’s that extra motivation that you need when no one’s around, when you maybe have those days when fear creeps in,” Henderson said. “It’s there to pick you back up, you know, you can simply open it and read a page, and it motivates you to get going for the day.” 

Wright influenced Stone to go for her dream, and Stone wants the magazine and her media company as a whole to do the same for her readers. She wants women, no matter their age, to see their potential and step into their power. 

“I want the magazine to be that push, you know, I needed that push. I had that human individual who said you can do it,” Stone said. “It is your engine of, ‘I can and I will do it.’” 

The next issue is expected to be published in April. To become a contributing writer, you can email For more information about Vision Made Media, click here

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