New U.S. Attorney remains committed to HB 6 case

New U.S. Attorney remains committed to HB 6 case

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COLUMBUS, Ohio — In July 2020, then-U.S. Attorney David DeVillers broke the news of the federal racketeering scandal surrounding House Bill 6. But when DeVillers was asked to step down in February, it was unclear who would be in charge of the investigation long term.

What You Need To Know

  • Kenneth Parker was sworn in last month as the new U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio
  • Perhaps the biggest case Parker takes over is what DeVillers called in July 2020 as “likely the largest bribery, money laundering scheme ever perpetrated against the people of Ohio” 
  • “We will be relentless to ensure that individuals are held accountable for any bad acts that they may have done,” Parker said
  • As for the case against Householder and former Ohio Republican Party Chair Matthew Borges, pretrial motions are due Feb. 1

However, the new leader, who now sits in DeVillers’ seat, said in an interview with Spectrum News 1 that he has the “utmost confidence” his office will bring any and all to justice.

Kenneth Parker was sworn in last month as the new U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio. He knows the place pretty well having worked there the last 22 years.

“That’s an advantage in the sense of you don’t have to go back and try to get an understanding and get the foundation. That’s already there. I know my colleagues. I trust my colleagues,” said Parker.

Parker has led the office in different roles over the years. In 2010, he was the District’s Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force Chief. He then went on to become the Criminal Chief through 2019.

“It’s not about me; it’s about service. So the feeling was one of humility and honor intertwined. And then being elated goes to I can continue my service for the people here in Ohio and ultimately the nation,​ Parker said.

The Southern District represents 48 of Ohio’s 88 counties and includes Columbus, Cincinnati and Dayton, so it is a big job. And Parker said he got some advice from his predecessor about how to handle it all.

“(He told me) take every day with a sense of pride, and remain who you are and that’s what I’m planning on doing,” he said.

Perhaps the biggest case Parker takes over is what DeVillers called in July 2020 as “likely the largest bribery, money laundering scheme ever perpetrated against the people of Ohio.” The bribery scheme to pass and defend House Bill 6 has seen former Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder, R-Glenford, and four others get arrested. The case has produced three guilty pleas.

Spectrum News 1 asked Parker if he foresees any other charges being filed amidst rumors of more arrests being imminent.

“Well, I can’t tell you that, but I can tell you that we’ll go wherever the evidence takes us,” said Parker.

Parker could not and would not answer any other specifics because it would jeopardize the case. But he did have one message on the matter and all others that come through his office.

“We will be relentless to ensure that individuals are held accountable for any bad acts that they may have done,” Parker said. 

As for the case against Householder and former Ohio Republican Party Chair Matthew Borges, pretrial motions are due Feb. 1.  A trial date has not been scheduled.​​

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