ODOT works to clear roads during harsh winter storm

ODOT works to clear roads during harsh winter storm

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COLUMBUS, Ohio — The brisk winter storm may still put a damper on your holiday travel.

What You Need To Know

  • Winter storm creates freezing temperatures and snow-covered roads across the state of Ohio
  • As crews clear the roads, ODOT says drive safe and be cautious
  • The roads are expected to get much clearer Saturday

Road crews have been working around the clock, but there are still some roads and highways that could be slick.

The frigid cold temperatures created a layer of ice between the snow and the road. That left a lot of spots where there was not much traction, but that’s not stopping crews from plowing and treating the roads. 

While they’re out clearing the roads, ODOT spokesperson Brooke Ebersole advised cautioun.

“If you are going highway speed on those roadways, the potential for you to slide off or spin out is so high,” said Ebersole. “And remember, the faster you are traveling, the longer it will take you to stop. So slow down and give yourself plenty of time.”

While ODOT crews have been busy, be cautious because they say the roads still aren’t perfect. 

ODOT said to try to stay off the roads if you can, but if you have to go out, be careful, give yourself plenty of time to get to where you’re going, and take it slow. 

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