Ohio Rep. Mike Carey readies for GOP control of House

Ohio Rep. Mike Carey readies for GOP control of House

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ohio Congressman Mike Carey is breathing a sigh of relief.

After winning a special primary and general election last year to replace former Congressman Steve Stivers, Carey just won his first full two-year term and will start it in January as Republicans take back control of the House.

What You Need To Know

  • Ohio Rep. Mike Carey just marked one year in office and is looking forward to Republicans regaining the majority in the House of Representatives
  • This month, Carey won his first full two-year term after winning a special election last year to replace former Congressman Steve Stivers
  • Carey said his priorities heading into 2023 include curbing federal spending, securing the southern border, and getting promoted to a more prominent committee
  • He is supporting Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy for Speaker and Donald Trump’s third bid for president

In an interview with Spectrum News, the Columbus-area Republican, who represents the 15th Congressional District, said the GOP wants to return to how things were pre-pandemic and pre-insurrection.

“I think going back to the regular order, and no proxy voting,” Carey said. “I think just from a house cleaning type of perspective, I think that’s going to be some of the major changes that we’re going to have here.”

Carey is supporting Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy to be the next Speaker of the House and backing Donald Trump’s third presidential bid.

Trump helped Carey win his first primary back in 2021, and Carey spoke at Trump’s Election Eve really in Dayton this month.

Spectrum News asked Carey if Trump lost the 2020 election fair and square.

“Listen, I think the election was what the election was.”

When asked what that means, Carey said: “Donald Trump is not the president. But what I think most people want to focus on is high energy prices, gas pump, baby formula, making sure that we stop fentanyl.”

Since taking office in November 2021, Carey has cosponsored eight bills that have passed the House and one that has become law.

He said getting control of federal spending and securing the southern border remain his top priorities, along with getting promoted to the prominent House committee that writes tax law.

“I’m trying to get on the Ways and Means Committee. That’s probably the biggest thing that I’m trying to do,” Carey said.

Before he entered Congress, Carey spent years interacting with lawmakers as a coal lobbyist. He said being a member of Congress has made him appreciate a sense of cooperation between both parties that may not always be evident to the public.

“I think there’s a lot of us that are saying let’s move this country forward,” Carey said. “We may not agree on a certain path, but in the end, we know where we want to be.”

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