Ohio Senate continues busy lame-duck session with proposed legislation

Ohio Senate continues busy lame-duck session with proposed legislation

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COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Ohio Statehouse has been extremely busy during the lame-duck session. Both the Senate and House floors have legislation that needs to be voted on. In the Senate, they moved forward Wednesday with several bills before heading into a recess. 

What You Need To Know

  • House Bill 151 did not pass, but the Senate approved amendments with the legislation
  • Several proposed pieces of legislation moved forward in the Senate Chamber
  • House spent most of the day in recess

The Senate approved amendments from the House on House Bill 151. However, by Wednesday evening, it had not passed as legislation.  

This bill would replace Ohio teacher-residency programs with local mentorships. However, this bill has caused controversy with State Rep. Jena Powell’s Save Women’s Sports Act. If enacted, this act would require students to provide birth certificates to prove their gender if it’s questioned by a sports team in Ohio. 

The Senate moved forward with House Bill 353. It’s referred to as the “Testing Your Faith Act.” This would provide students with religious accommodations in an educational setting. 

Several other pieces of legislation are moving forward, including House Bill 558, which involves a repository for donated prescription drugs. Also, House Bill 66, which includes a revision to require reporting and review of property tax exemptions.

Another piece of legislation is Sub. H.B. No. 392, which would authorize ambulances to transport police dogs injured in the line of duty. 

The House spent most of Wednesday in recess. Much of the action in the House was saying goodbye to departing members and speaking about amendments. 

The lame-duck session is set to continue before the Christmas holiday. 

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