Ohio’s U.S. senators discuss next steps after Uvalde shooting

Ohio’s U.S. senators discuss next steps after Uvalde shooting

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — The murder of 19 children and two teachers at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas is the latest test for Congress to respond to America’s gun violence problem.

What You Need To Know

  • Two days after the mass shooting in Texas, Ohio’s U.S. senators discussed the status of the gun reform debate in interviews with Spectrum News
  • Democrat Sherrod Brown wants a list of reforms passed as soon as possible
  • Republican Rob Portman said it’s a challenge to figure out what can help
  • Congress remains divided over how to respond to repeated mass shootings

Ohio is one of just six states with senators in opposing parties, so what they say offers a realistic look at where things stand.

On Thursday, Spectrum News interviewed both Republican Sen. Rob Portman and Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown.

Brown said most members of his party agree that Congress should pass a list of reforms to become law as soon as possible.

“Background checks, waiting periods, raising the age limit that someone can get a gun. And ultimately a banning of assault weapons,” Brown said. “There’s no reason civilians should be able to carry a gun that can kill 20 people in less than a minute.”

The alleged shooter in Uvalde was 18 years old and authorities said he legally purchased two AR-15-style semi-automatic rifles and almost 400 rounds of ammunition right after his birthday, just days before the attack.

Portman, considered a more moderate GOP dealmaker on Capitol Hill, said in an interview that it’s a challenge to figure out what Congress can do to help.

He said he’s willing to look at putting in place red flag laws to help get weapons away from people who pose a threat, and creating more steps to legally purchase a semi-automatic rifle.

“Maybe there’s a way to deal with that in terms of a waiting period. Maybe increasing the age. But again, I don’t think that’s going to get at the core problem,” Portman said.

At another point in the interview, Portman said the broader issue is mental health.

Most Republicans have, for years, believed mental health is a bigger problem than access to semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines.

Portman — and many in his party — are bringing it up again after Uvalde, as well as saying security in school buildings should increase.

Democrats like Brown call it a cop-out and accuse Republicans of being beholden to the gun lobby that has pumped money into their campaigns for years.

“We go to Republicans, ‘Let’s work together.’ And they will sometimes utter platitudes. ‘Our thoughts are with the families and we grieve for the families and thank you first responders,’” Brown said. “We all do that. We should do that. But then they just clam up and won’t step forward on any of these very sensible gun safety measures.”

Data compiled by OpenSecrets and the Brady Campaign shows Portman has received more than $3 million from the National Rifle Association throughout his career, ranking in the top 10 for senators.

Spectrum News asked Portman on Thursday: “Critics say that that type of financial support has clearly motivated how you have voted on previous gun legislation and how you’re approaching this debate now. Is that criticism fair?”

“No,” Portman replied.

Spectrum News asked: “Could you expand on that?”

“I mean, it has never affected me and it wouldn’t,” Portman said.

With the Senate divided 50-50, and 60 votes needed to pass anything, there’s a long way to go if Congress will act. 

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