Organizer gives back to the charity he got assistance from

Organizer gives back to the charity he got assistance from

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Barry Goldberg recognizes the value of helping others. He hands out food with the east side of Cleveland chapter of Food Not Bombs. 

What You Need To Know

  • Barry Goldberg volunteers for Food Not Bombs
  • The group provides fresh produce every other Sunday
  • He once was a recipient of the charity

“We’re giving out free produce,” Goldberg said.

Every second and fourth Sunday of the month, his chapter hands out fresh fruit and vegetables to people in need.

“It can be, especially, when you are low-income, hard to get healthy, fresh food,” Goldberg said.

Goldberg said the food that is given away is donated and would otherwise go to waste in a landfill.

“Which is terrible, given how many people are struggling with food insecurity,” he added.

Goldberg said everyone who attends is served, regardless of their background.

“Everyone needs food. Everyone eats and it can be very hard to get that in these times,” Goldberg said. “We offer free food, no questions asked.”

He said the food share began after some of his fellow chapter members ended up in need themselves.

“Some of our founding members weren’t getting enough food themselves and there’s a lot of barriers to getting food assistance,” Goldberg said.

Struggling to put food on the table is something Goldberg said he can relate to. Before he became a volunteer with the organization, he once was the person who went through the line to receive the food.

“Right as the pandemic hit, I lost my job. Things were tough for me. I was getting free food here,” Goldberg said.

Goldberg said now that he is on the other side of the table volunteering; he wants to continue helping others in need.

“We just have a saying, ‘Solidarity, not charity,’ which essentially means that we believe that the problems that we face are best addressed by those who themselves are affected by those problems,” Goldberg said.

If you’re interested in donating to the food share, please visit their cash app account at $FNBeastCLE.

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