Poll workers prepare for strong Election Day voter turnout

Poll workers prepare for strong Election Day voter turnout

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COLUMBIANA COUNTY, Ohio — In Columbiana County, the Board of Elections is expecting a strong turnout for Election Day, based on the number of folks who’ve cast their ballots during early voting. 


What You Need To Know

  • Early voting is trending toward double the turnout from the last midterm election in Columbiana County
  • The Columbiana County Board of Elections is preparing for a large turnout on Election Day
  • Because of the current divisiveness in the political climate, some long time voters are stepping up to help as poll workers

Article - Your Voter Guide

To help assist at the polls, some long time voters are taking a turn to help collect those votes as poll workers. 

People like Douglas and Jayne Rose are stepping up to help their neighbors vote on Election Day. It’s their first time to serve as poll workers.  

“We might like it,” Jayne Rose said. “We might not, but we’ll give it a try.”

It takes about 300 poll workers to run elections at all of Columbiana County’s 73 polling locations. Each site is staffed with two Republicans and two Democrats to keep things bi-partisan. 

For those lending a hand for the first time, the county hosted a training session to go over the step-by-step processes needed for Election Day. 

The couple from Wellsville recently retired from jobs in the healthcare industry. Now, the health of the nation’s democratic process is on their minds. 

“Be an American. Take your opportunity to let your wishes be known by backing a qualified candidate,” Douglas Rose said. 

The Roses said they’ve seen an increase in divisiveness relating to politics, and helping people exercise their right to vote is a way they can help move the country forward.

“We just feel like it’s time for us to step up and do something that makes a difference,” Douglas Rose said. “There’s a big divide right now. In our country, in our county. Within our friends and family members.”

But, they’re not a house divided. 

“We have enough other things we disagree about,” said Jayne Rose with a laugh. “We don’t need this.”

Both also agree about the excitement for this election and the chance to help folks let their voices be heard. 

“You can say all you want, but if you don’t practice what our government’s about, then you’re not doing anyone any good,” Douglas Rose said. 

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