Rabbi to host Shofar at the Falls for Rosh Hashanah

Rabbi to host Shofar at the Falls for Rosh Hashanah

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CHAGRIN FALLS, Ohio — In the middle of Riverside Park, in Chagrin Falls, Rabbi Shneur Itzinger blew a shofar.

What You Need To Know

  • Shofar at the Falls takes place at Riverside Park on Sept. 26
  • It’s the inaugural event for Chabad Jewish Center of Chagrin Falls
  • A shofar blowing, singing, and a short Tashlich service will begin at 5 p.m.

“It’s a ram’s horn, polished and hollowed out, makes the sound of a trumpet,” Rabbi Itzinger said. 

The park is where he’ll host Shofar at the Falls to mark Rosh Hashanah. The Jewish New Year event is a part of the Chabad Jewish Center of Chagrin Falls’ inaugural programming.

“Rosh Hashanah is a reminder that we should proclaim God king over ourselves, and over our surroundings, and over anyone who we can influence and then certainly God will bless us for a happy, and healthy, and beautiful, sweet new year,”  Rabbi Itzinger said. 

Starting at 5 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 26, 2022, families can gather at the park for a shofar blowing, singing, and a Tashlich service that will take place next to the water.

“It’s a short service. We say a couple of paragraphs and in it we symbolically cast away our sins,” Rabbi Itzinger said. 

In addition to the symbolism, the rabbi said the Chabad has to hold services at the park because they don’t have a permanent location yet.

“We are searching for the perfect location, and we are listening to what the community wants and where people think would be the best location for that to happen. Until then, we are going to be providing various services and programs like this event, the inaugural event of Chabad [Jewish Center] of Chagrin Falls, right here in Riverside Park,” Rabbi Itzinger said. 

In his car, driving around Chagrin Falls, the rabbi said he and his wife, Simi, moved to Ohio in August with the mission of opening up the Chabad. 

“After we got married, Simi and I were looking for a place to establish a home where we could be beneficial to a Jewish community, specifically a community that does not yet have a permanent infrastructure, a synagogue, permanent services or programming,” Rabbi Itzinger said. 

The rabbi added that finding a place where he and his wife can put on programming for the community is his wish for the new year.

“We’re excited to be beginning our new mission here in Chagrin Falls. We are very excited to begin our first year of providing Jewish programing, Jewish services, Jewish events, promoting Jewish community life for Jews of all affiliations and stages here in the village,” Rabbi Itzinger said.

To RSVP to the service, please visit their website

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