Republican Senate president leaves Ohio mapmaking panel

Republican Senate president leaves Ohio mapmaking panel

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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Ohio’s political mapmaking panel planned to meet again Wednesday ahead of a court-ordered Friday deadline to fix a fourth set of invalidated legislative maps.

The Republican-controlled commission will convene without GOP state Senate President Matt Huffman, who stepped down this week and named fellow Republican senator Rob McColley to replace him.

McColley offers a “fresh approach and a new opportunity to produce a result that clearly the majority of the court was not willing to consider with the speaker and myself serving as members,” Huffman said Tuesday. Republican House Speaker Bob Cupp remains on the panel.

A three-judge federal panel has indicated in a separate federal lawsuit that they plan to impose the commission’s third set of Ohio House and Senate district maps on May 28 if no alternative is passed by then — and order it used in an Aug. 2 primary.

The state Supreme Court has said that set of maps — like the first, second and fourth — are an unconstitutional gerrymander unduly favoring Republicans.

Democrats in Ohio took the unusual step last week of calling their own political mapmaking hearing of sorts, inviting public testimonials and streaming the proceeding on Facebook.

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