Some Cleveland restaurants to use portion of Pierogi Week proceeds to support Ukraine

Some Cleveland restaurants to use portion of Pierogi Week proceeds to support Ukraine

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CLEVELAND — During the city’s first-ever Pierogi Week, two Cleveland restaurants plan to donate a portion of their proceeds to a relief organization to support Ukrainian families. 

Market Garden Brewery and Nano Brew Cleveland announced on social media that it will donate funds to the International Rescue Committee, an organization that helps people affected by humanitarian crises. 

Currently, the IRC is using donated funds to send aid to families displaced by the Russa-Ukraine conflict, as well as multiple other countries such as Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen. 

The mass exodus of refugees from Ukraine to the eastern edge of the European Union showed no signs of stopping Monday, with the U.N. estimating more than 520,000 people have already escaped Russia’s burgeoning war against Ukraine.

Long lines of cars and buses were backed up at checkpoints at the borders of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and non-EU member Moldova. Others crossed the borders on foot, dragging their possessions behind them.

Several hundred refugees were gathered at a temporary reception center in the Hungarian border village of Beregsurany awaiting transport to transit hubs, where they would be taken further into Hungary and beyond.

The city of Cleveland as well as major organizations like Global Cleveland said in previous days they are ready to welcome Ukrainian refugees with open arms. 

“With the invasion of Russian Federation military forces into Ukraine, The City of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, and Global Cleveland reaffirm our commitment to democracy and peace, as well as extend our prayers to the communities impacted by this violence,” offcials wrote in a statement. “We strongly condemn this attack that will result in the loss of innocent lives and is a direct threat to the freedom of so many. As thousands of individuals are displaced from their homes and livelihoods in the face of war and violence, we want to remind the world that the city of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County, Ohio are here to embrace them with open arms. We are no stranger to welcoming the newcomer – refugee, asylum-seeker, or immigrant fleeing persecution and war – and we are ready to do so again.”

The Cleveland area is already home to more than 15,000 residents with Ukraine ancestry. The city is showing support in other ways for Ukraine, including holding rallies and lighting up Terminal Tower the colors of Ukraine’s flag. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.



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