Spring- and even summer-like weather in store this week

Spring- and even summer-like weather in store this week

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An absolutely fantastic week of weather is moving into Ohio this week, with a stretch of sunny and warm days.

What You Need To Know

  • Monday begins a stretch of sunny and warm weather
  • Southwest winds may pick up a bit by the middle of the week
  • Most areas will be well into the 80s mid-week
  • A few more clouds are possible Friday, with a chance of a shower or storm next weekend

An omega-block pattern is beginning to take shape across the U.S. this week, which essentially will keep Ohio, and much of the eastern two thirds of the country, warm and dry. 

Monday starts off with clear skies, light winds and cool temperatures, with lows mainly in the mid to upper 40s. The afternoon will bring light southwest winds and mostly sunny skies. Expect highs in the 60s to the north and 70s for central and southern Ohio.

With just a few high clouds Tuesday, southwest winds will pick up some, allowing our temperatures to soar by the afternoon. Low 80s for highs will not be uncommon.

In fact, the upper level pattern will continue to block any and all storm systems from reaching us this week. This means rain and storms will flow up and around us (mainly into Canada) leaving us dry through at least the end of the week. With plenty of sun, there’s no reason why one or two areas in southwest Ohio can’t be nearly 90 before the week is done.

Looking ahead into next weekend: a few more clouds and perhaps a chance at a shower or thunderstorm Saturday, as the pattern begins to break down a bit.

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