Startup simplifies artificial intelligence for small businesses

Startup simplifies artificial intelligence for small businesses

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CLEVELAND — An Ohio tech startup is helping other small businesses leverage artificial intelligence to their advantage. 

What You Need To Know

  • Pandata helps small business have access to artificial intelligence and data scientists
  • Computer software programs like H2O are able to analyze an exponential amount of possible data combinations to narrow down results to the best possible outcome
  • Pandata’s tools and trained experts help save small businesses time and money

Cleveland-based Pandata uses digital tools and data scientists to analyze information and establish systems for other small-scale companies. Pandata’s team of experts is able to help businesses that don’t have the resources to employ their own staff of specialized experts.

“Data scientists are expensive, hard to find, don’t exist in high concentrations, especially in markets like Cleveland,” said Pandata CEO/Founder Cal Al-Dhubaib. “And so, when we can pair these tools with data science experts, we can deliver the same power of the technology that bigger organizations have access to at a fraction of the cost.”

So far, Pandata’s worked with about 50 companies on projects, including Thrivable, a health-care research platform that connects companies to targeted patients for surveys and information-gathering.

“Organizations really want to listen to patients, but it is really hard and it takes a lot of work,” Thrivable CEO/Founder David Edelman said.

He’s able to find those patients with the help of Pandata and its tech tools, including a platform called H2O.

“We can deliver the same power of the technology that bigger organizations have access to, at a fraction of the cost,” Al-Dhubaib said.

“You can’t just go buy these tools,” Edelman said. “They are so prohibitively expensive for a small company. They require so much expertise to set up and use, that if we were starting from scratch, we would not be able to manage this.”

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