The Senate Democratic Caucus outlines this years goals at lunch

The Senate Democratic Caucus outlines this years goals at lunch

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COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Ohio Senate Democratic Caucus hosted a lunch on Tuesday to discuss this year’s legislative priorities. That list is very long but includes EV infrastructure, education and supporting minority businesses.

The group agreed their top priorities are redistricting, voting, abortion and education. Other topics such as reintroducing an insulin cap bill as well as criminal justice reform were discussed. 

What You Need To Know

  • This is the first lunch discussed this year talking about this group’s goals
  • Senate Democrats want to continue fighting for reproduction rights, equal access to health care and education
  • They will continue to work on criminal justice reform 

“I want to continue to work on is ending the statute of limitations for rape and sexual assault,” said Sen. Nickie Antonio, D-Lakewood. “It’s something we’ve been working on for a number of years. We got a little bit of momentum last year. And again, some other things took priority. And this is one of those things that is incredibly important in criminal justice reform and frankly, in reform for survivors as we move forward.”

The caucus also agreed to target economic development within minority businesses. 

“We work with the administration as well to reduce 50% of the paperwork or red tape on the certification process,” said Sen. Vernon Sykes, D-Akron. “I would like to continue this session working with the minority employer, minority businesses.” 

The hot topic of redistricting maps was once again brought up. However, what many people in the room asked was regarding the Speaker of the House, and Antonio told media outlets that this could be a good thing for the Senate Dems. She said the split has always existed and they need to find common ground and not lose their core values. 

“I also think that there will be opportune meetings for us to team up with our democratic colleagues in the house,” Antonio said. “We’ve done this when it comes to budget. Stand firm on some issues and as a block from the senate and the house, some changes, I think those opportunities are going to continue to be there.”

Senate President Matt Huffman, R-Lima, said the House Speaker situation could potentially impact discussions regarding the state budget this year. 

He said he doesn’t have an initial plan, but he’s ready to speak to the House Speaker and Representative Merrin when they are ready. 

“In this case, there’s sort of this, can I say three-headed monster? Too late. I already did,” Huffman said. “And certainly it’s important to me what the positions of members of my party are in, whether they be in the senate or the house, whether they be part of the general republican or republican.​ I’m certainly going to be conversing with everybody but the speaker in the speaker’s office is a unique position and I’m going to keep that in mind too.”

The State House will remain busy as committee meetings continue. 

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