Thousands of flags planted in Westervilles Field of Heroes

Thousands of flags planted in Westervilles Field of Heroes

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WESTERVILLE, Ohio — Dozens of volunteers continued a 14-year tradition Friday, planting thousands of American flags as a way of observing Memorial Day and honoring the men and women who died serving in the U.S. military.

Pat Knott is the co-founder of Field of Heroes. He said the idea started as a way to remind people of the meaning of Memorial Day. The flag planting now extends to honor other heroes as well.

“It’s really an opportunity for you to honor any hero in your life. Obviously, with Memorial Day, there’s a lot of veterans that we honor in this field, but a hero can be anybody that’s meant something to you and your life,” Knott said.

Sara Yinger volunteered and said she did so for her son.

“It’s really important that I do this now because my son joined the Ohio National Guard and I want to support him and all of the fellow soldiers and veterans that fought,” Yinger said. “It’s just a part of being a part of the community I love.” 

This was Yinger’s first outing as a volunteer. Don Denton, an Air Force veteran, said he attended all 14.

“I have the honor of purchasing the very first flag from the very first Field of Heroe,” Denton said.

Events will continue through Monday afternoon. Alongside the flags, poppy ornaments are planted and multiple exhibits will be displayed. 

Taps will be played Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 8:30 p.m.

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