Tri-Star Skateshop hosts competition for all ages

Tri-Star Skateshop hosts competition for all ages

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CLEVELAND — Skateboarders in Northeast Ohio came together for a competition at Tri-Star Skateshop.  

What You Need To Know

  • Tri-Star Skateshop teamed up with rider for competition
  • All ages competed for prizes
  • The goal of the competition was to bring the skateboarding community together

Skateboarders in Northeast Ohio came together for a competition at Tri-Star Skateshop.

“We’re having a contest for all different ages and then we also have street, ramp and best trick contests going on,” shop owner Sam Snellenberger said.

The shop teamed up with one of their riders, Jarod Pierce, to help make the event happen.

“There’s not enough skate events,” Pierce said. “There could never be enough skate events. Northeast Ohio has a lot of talented skateboarders that I think are really underrated, so it’s nice to have a platform for them to show off.”

The competitors had one minute to speed through the street runs and ramps during the beginner, intermediate and advanced competitions.

Jack Moroscak competed in the intermediate round and said despite it being a competition, everyone is supportive.

“Everybody’s always helping everybody and I think it’s just a really good community,” Moroscak said.

And for those who won, “we got all kinds of stuff donated from lots and lots of different local and national companies, so huge prize packs for everybody,” Snellenberger said.

No matter the outcome, the goal of the competition was to bring the skateboarding community together.

“It’s awesome,” Pierce said. “I love it. I started skateboarding when I was nine, so it’s nice to see the kids nowadays. They progress so much faster and there’s so many more options for them. It’s great.”


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