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Using music to heal hospital patients

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CLEVELAND — University Hospitals Connor Whole Health manages the largest health system-based music therapy program in the United States with 12 board-certified music therapists.

What You Need To Know

  • University Hospitals Connor Whole Health manages the largest health system-based music therapy program in the country.
  • Music therapy aims to help manage the physical and emotional toll of an illness
  • A study shows patients who received music therapy reporter measurable decreases in pain, anxiety and stress

Therapists like Ellen Antes collaborate with providers across their system to help patients and their families manage the physical and emotional toll of an illness or hospitalization.  

“Music therapy, it’s using all of these different elements of music, so we have melody, lyrics, rhythm,” Antes said. “So sometimes it’s to lift up your spirits, sometimes it’s to manage your pain, sometimes it’s to motivate you to wake up and be active, and specializing in that to help patients reach their goals while they are here.”

A study by University Hospitals Connor Whole Health, and published recently in the journal Pain Reports, showed patients in community hospitals who received music therapy reported measurable decreases in pain, anxiety and stress.

Robert Chapek is one of Antes’ music therapy patients.

“[Music therapy] takes your mind off of your problems and gets you back to a speedy recovery,” Chapek said. “Do I recommend it? Very much so. For the simple fact that it is uplifting.”

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