Vaccinated White House aide, Congressional staffers test positive for COVID-19

Vaccinated White House aide, Congressional staffers test positive for COVID-19

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A fully vaccinated White House aide has tested positive for COVID-19, press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed to reporters Tuesday.

Several vaccinated Congressional staffers and a member of Congress also tested positive, the Office of the Attending Physician announced later Tuesday.

What You Need To Know

  • A fully vaccinated White House aide has tested positive for COVID-19, press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed to reporters Tuesday; the person has mild symptoms and is awaiting the results of a confirmatory test while away from the White House
  • In a memo to Capitol Hill staff sent Tuesday, Attending Physician Brian P. Monahan wrote that “several vaccinated Congressional staff members and 1 Member of Congress” have tested positive for COVID-19 via breakthrough infection
  • According to multiple reports, a fully vaccinated senior spokesperson to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also has tested positive for the coronavirus
  • Psaki said there have been other breakthrough COVID-19 cases among the White House staff, but she did not provide a number or time frame for when those occurred

Psaki did not name the aide who tested positive Monday, but she said the person has mild symptoms and is awaiting the results of a confirmatory test while away from the White House.

Contact tracing was conducted, and it was determined that the aide had no close contacts with President Joe Biden or high-ranking White House officials, Psaki said.

According to multiple reports, a senior spokesperson to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also has tested positive for the coronavirus. That person, who also is said to be vaccinated and experiencing mild symptoms, spent time with the delegation of Democratic Texas lawmakers who fled to Washington last week to protest controversial Republican-led voting legislation in their home state. Six of those legislators have also tested positive for COVID-19 in recent days.

The White House aide and Pelosi spokesperson attended the same event on a hotel rooftop last week, Axios reported.

“Yesterday, a fully vaccinated senior spokesperson in the Speaker’s press office tested positive for COVID after contact with members of the Texas state legislature last week,” Pelosi’s deputy chief of staff Drew Hammill told Axios.

“The entire press office is working remotely today with the exception of individuals who have had no exposure to the individual or have had a recent negative test,” Hammill added. “Our office will continue to follow the guidance of the Office of Attending Physician closely.”

In a memo to Capitol Hill staff sent Tuesday, Attending Physician Brian P. Monahan wrote that “several vaccinated Congressional staff members and 1 Member of Congress” have tested positive for COVID-19 via breakthrough infection.

Monahan stopped short of calling for a mask mandate: “Individuals have the personal discretion to wear a mask and future developments in the coronavirus Delta variant local threat may require the resumption of mask wear for all as now seen in several counties.”

Psaki sought to proactively squash any criticism coming from vaccine skeptics about the effectiveness of the shots based on the White House infection.

“We know that there will be breakthrough cases,” the press secretary said. “But as this instance shows, cases in vaccinated individuals are typically mild.  

“If you are not vaccinated, you could be — we hope not — but among the people who go to the hospital and get very sick from the virus,” she added. “So part of our objective is also not to stoke fear among people who were vaccinated because the data is pretty clear about their protection.”

Psaki said there have been other breakthrough COVID-19 cases among the White House staff, but she did not provide a number or time frame for when those occurred. She said the Biden administration has made a commitment to proactively share information about infections among commissioned officers — the highest-ranking officials in the White House — but to date, none of the cases has met that threshold. 

The press secretary said the White House’s COVID-19 protocols are not changing. They include testing employees at least once a week — possibly more depending on their regular proximity to the president — as well as ensuring that individuals interacting with Biden are following CDC guidance on masking and social distancing.

The White House’s breakthrough case comes as coronavirus cases in all 50 states are rising amid the spread of the delta variant and lagging vaccination rates in many states.  As of Sunday, the seven-day average for new daily infections was 26,011, double what it was at the end of June.

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