Vasectomy reversal allows blended family to expand: Our family is definitely complete

Vasectomy reversal allows blended family to expand: Our family is definitely complete

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CLEVELAND — The Pires family is blended. Adam Pires had two children during his first marriage: Meelah, age seven, and Clayton, age five. .

Jamie Pires had Christopher, also age five, during her first marriage.

What You Need To Know

  • The Pires family is blended
  • Adam Pires had a vasectomy in 2017 and a vasectomy reversal in 2020
  • According to the Cleveland Clinic, the success rate of vasectomy reversals is over 90% if the vasectomy was done within 10 years of the reversal

Shortly after the couple got together, they said they knew they wanted to have another child.

“That kind of camaraderie and sibling atmosphere is what started prompting his mom to start looking and saying ‘I always wanted to have more’ and this and that,” Adam Pires said.

But there was one problem: Pires had a vasectomy in 2017.

He thought his family was done growing, and he was leaving the Air Force after eight years of service. 

But everything changed after his divorce and when Jamie came into the picture.

He started talking with his new wife about a vasectomy reversal.

“I’m trying to say that I don’t want to be the reason that we never get a chance to have a baby,” Pires said. “She’s like ‘so, you’re talking about surgery?’ And I’m like, I guess if this is the only way that we’re going to have a chance.”

Adam and Jamie met at work at the Cleveland Clinic. Cleveland Clinic urologist Dr. Neel Parekh told them their probability of getting pregnant after a reversal was high since it had only been a few years since the initial surgery.

“We know the success rate of vasectomy reversals is over 90% if the vasectomy was done within 10 years or less than 10 years,” Parekh said. “But success to us is having sperm in the ejaculate. Success to couples is actually getting pregnant and having a baby.”

A few months after the reversal procedure in 2020, Jamie found out she was pregnant.

Adam Jr., or ‘Budda’ as they call him, recently celebrated his first birthday.

“I can’t picture him any other way,” Pires said. “I can’t picture any of the kids any other way, and I think our situation is just perfect.”

This Father’s Day, he said he feels grateful that his family is whole.

“It’s my favorite day. I always wanted to be a dad,” Pires said. “Our family is definitely complete.”

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