Warm but eventually wet pattern for the weekend

Warm but eventually wet pattern for the weekend

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It looks like we will be hitting 70 degrees a little early this year in some places around the Buckeye State.

What You Need To Know

  • Saturday will be the pick day for outdoor plans
  • Temperatures stay mild and above average all weekend
  • Rain and a few storms will come in Saturday night through early Sunday, heavier rain is possible early Monday

Much of central and southern Ohio will be close to 70 degrees both weekend days.

This is a little earlier than average.

Cincinnati will be most close to normal with the first average 70-degree day on March 9.

Even if you don’t hit 70, it’s still a mild first weekend of March with highs about 20 degrees above average.

Saturday looks like the best day to enjoy the mild weather with mainly dry skies for the daytime hours.

Our first storm system will move in Saturday night through early Sunday with some rain and even a few thunderstorms.

It looks like there will be a short break from the rain later Sunday before a bigger storm system comes in by early Monday.

This system looks to have heavier rainfall.

Much cooler air will come in Monday night into Tuesday so we could see some wet snow and wintry mix later Monday.



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