What to watch for to help save a victim of human trafficking

What to watch for to help save a victim of human trafficking

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This article discusses information about human trafficking and abuse. If you or someone you know has been a victim of abuse or human trafficking, you can call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 for confidential support.

WISCONSIN — As the country prepares to mark Human Trafficking Awareness Day on Wednesday, experts said they want everyone to take some time this week to know how best to protect someone from becoming a victim.

That most often starts with protecting minors online.

“What we see a lot in our area, specifically in Wisconsin, is sex trafficking and labor trafficking,” said Rachel Harrison, advocacy coordinator for Racine-based Fight to End Exploitation. “What I like to really focus on — especially [for a] safe online presence — if you have children or if you work with kids, always be very vigilant with who your kids are talking to online because traffickers are going online and also grooming potential victims for exploitation and other terrible means.”

Harrison added that if you see something that doesn’t feel right, or if you think you notice a red flag that someone’s potentially being trafficked or in trouble, help can be just a phone call away — either to 9-1-1 or a national hotline which will guide you to immediate assistance.

“There is a National Human Trafficking Hotline number that is 1-888-373-7888,” Harrison added. “That is an amazing organization that is national, and anyone can report tips or concerns to that, and they can connect with local agencies from wherever you’re calling.”

Watch the full interview above.

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