20 years is probably enough: Ohio man overcomes alcoholism, turns to rock climbing

20 years is probably enough: Ohio man overcomes alcoholism, turns to rock climbing

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CLEVELAND — Pete Rosewicz used to walk the streets of Lakewood, Ohio to go to the bar.

What You Need To Know

  • For the longest time, Rosewicz relied on alcohol to get through a tragedy he encountered at a young age
  • He drank from 12 to 32 years old when he finally decided it was time to stop
  • Now, he goes to a rock climbing gym six days a week

“Honestly, when I was growing up, because I was in like a private Catholic grade school, and it was 1999, and we didn’t talk about stuff. So, I had a tragedy happen and never talked about it. So, instead of just getting out and getting some help, speaking to anybody that would listen, I started drinking,” Rosewicz said.

Now, Rosewicz walks to Nosotros Rock Climbing Gym six days a week.

“So, I explain this place as a dive bar of climbing gyms,” Rosewicz said.

Similar to the routes that he follows on the rock wall, Rosewicz is navigating his own path to recovery, one step at a time.

“Well, I’ve been drinking since I was 12 and I stopped drinking when I was 32,” Rosewicz said. “I kind of figured that 20 years is probably enough.”

Rosewicz said he replaced alcohol with athletics to get healthy and occupy his spare time.

“I needed anything to do that wasn’t drinking because when I stopped drinking, I couldn’t sleep,” Rosewicz said.

He added that this decision saved his life.

“Basically waking up sore from climbing the next day is so much better then like getting told the garbage you did the day before and like, how many people are mad at you,” Rosewicz said. “It’s a lot more fun this way.”

Rosewicz said he’s grateful that the climbing community gives him the comfort that he once looked for from a cocktail.

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