Owners featured on ‘Shark Tank’ still running coffee business after deal falls through

Owners featured on ‘Shark Tank’ still running coffee business after deal falls through

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CEDARVILLE, Ohio — An Ohio coffee business got a deal on ‘Shark Tank’ that didn’t hold. But business is going strong in the four years since being on the show, the owners said.

What You Need To Know

  • A former NASA researcher and coffee shop owner teamed up to create packaged water minerals that bring out coffee flavor
  • The pair got a deal on ‘Shark Tank’ for their business ‘Third Wave Water’ but after the show, the deal fell through 
  • They stay they were still able to keep their business running strong and get more business when their ‘Shark Tank’ episode re-runs 

To former NASA researcher and avid coffee drinker, Charles Nick, a cup of coffee is not just coffee, it’s science. 

It needs to have the right filter, the right amount of coffee beans, the right temperature and the right water.

He started a coffee subscription business, but he said no matter the coffee flavor, you still couldn’t get that coffee house taste at home. 

“I would have varied experiences with the coffee and it was the water, so the question then came how can we fix the water issue,” said Nick. 

That’s when he teamed up with Taylor Minor, a former coffee shop owner.

Both would then quit their former jobs for an idea. 

“We thought, ‘hey how about shipping dehydrated water’ and that funny idea morphed into a little vial of minerals and then morphed into sticks,” said Minor. 

They called it ‘Third Wave Water,’ a mixture of minerals that when added to distilled water and poured into the coffee pot, brings out the coffee’s flavor. 

They’ve been making it in a small packing plant in Cedarville, Ohio, and in 2017 took their idea national. 

They got a deal with on the show ‘Shark Tank’ and they say sales skyrocketed. 

“We sold more in the first five minutes on Shark Tank than we had the whole prior time before from the start,” said Minor. 

But it didn’t last.

They said their investor backed out and the deal fell through after the show.

They didn’t become millionaires.

“I still drive a Ford Fusion,” said Minor. 

But someday they say they still hope to be.

“It doesn’t all of the sudden take you to some magical land, but it definitely starts opening other doors of opportunity,” said Nick. 

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