As schools and businesses close to combat the spread of the coronavirus, photos show just how eerily empty some of the US busiest roads and tourist spots have become

As schools and businesses close to combat the spread of the coronavirus, photos show just how eerily empty some of the US busiest roads and tourist spots have become

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  • The coronavirus pandemic has made some of the US’s most bustling cities eerily quiet.
  • As cities like New York City and Los Angeles adopt increasingly drastic measures to combat the spread of the virus, normally packed streets and highways are practically deserted. 
  • San Francisco’s streets have emptied out after the city imposed a “shelter in place” order that brought city life to a halt. 
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As the number of coronavirus cases in the US continues to rise, state and local officials are implementing extreme measures to slow the pandemic’s spread — quieting some of the country’s busiest cities and tourist spots.

Just in the last few days, New York City closed its public school system that serves more than a million students, and Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker closed down the state’s restaurants and limited public gatherings to 25 people. 

On Monday, six counties in the Bay Area of California issued a “shelter in place” order, which effectively brings all nonessential business to a halt and severely restricts what residents can do and where they can go. 

As an increasing number of people are forced to work remotely and stay home in general, typically jam-packed roadways in some of the country’s most crowded cities have become all but deserted.

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