Bans Off Our Bodies rally held at Willard Park

Bans Off Our Bodies rally held at Willard Park

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CLEVELAND — Protestors gathered at Willard Park, urging the U.S. Supreme Court not to overturn Roe v. Wade. It came after a leaked draft of an opinion showed that the court may strike down the nearly 50-year ruling. 

What You Need To Know

  • A “Bans Off Our Bodies” rally was held at Willard Park
  • This comes after a leaked draft indicated that the Supreme Court would strike down Roe v. Wade
  • Hundreds packed the park to speak out against the potential ruling

“I cried. I felt like I’d been punched in the gut,” said Megan Seaman, a protester at the event.

A few counter-protesters were at the entrance to the park. Police kept the peace as the two sides shouted at each other. 

“They got the free will to do it, but you can use your free will wisely or unwisely,” said Dylan Truman, a counter-protester. 

A local Planned Parenthood chapter helped organize the event, out of fear that abortion may become illegal in Ohio. Greater Ohio Planned Parenthood President Iris Harvey said similar protests spans several generations. 

“My mom fought for this, my grandmother fought for this. What people are saying is, we don’t want to roll back,” said Harvey. “We want to maintain a healthy environment for women.”

The Harvey said if abortion becomes illegal in Ohio, then they’ll help people get an abortion in a state where it is legal.

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