Ohio pediatrician warns parents to check back seats during hot months

Ohio pediatrician warns parents to check back seats during hot months

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CINCINNATI — As temperatures continue to rise, an Ohio pediatrician warned parents to check their back seats.

What You Need To Know

  • Approximately 40 children die of Pediatric Vehicular Hyperthermia each year
  • As temperatures continue to rise, an Ohio pediatrician warned parents to check their back seats
  • Perspective memory failure and false memories are factors

Approximately 40 children die of Pediatric Vehicular Hyperthermia each year. Dr. Chris Peltier, president-elect of the Ohio Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, said it takes about 10 minutes for a child to die if left in the backseat of a hot car.

“It can happen in less warmer temperatures, but, especially as we head into the dog days of summer, we’re going to unfortunately see it happen more and more,” Peltier said.

He said often parents are not negligent.

“There’s actually a lot of science behind why it happens,” said Peltier.

He said perspective memory failure is one cause.

“It’s something that disrupts your normal routine and you combine that with multitasking,” said Peltier.

He said the phenomenon of false memories is also a factor.

“When a person thinks they did something when they haven’t,” said Peltier. “Like when you sit down at lunchtime and you realize ‘I forgot to bring my lunch,’ even though you vividly have a picture of you taking the lunch box off the counter.” 

He said it is why the AAP, Pampers and the Sophia’s Foundation for Children Safety are promoting the “bag-in-the-back,” technique.

The technique works to remind parents to check their backseats if they place something back there they need to grab before getting out of the car.

“Just educating parents, health care providers, day care providers and the public to remind parents this can happen and again not meaning they’re bad parents,” said Peltier.

For more information, visit the Bag in the Back website​.

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